The proposal’s project can only be created by a user who has been assigned the appropriate roles to work in the e-tenders subsystem. Detailed information on how to do this, please, see 1.3. Preparing an organization’s profile.
If the supplier has divided the procurement into lots and has not specified whether a proposal must be submitted for all lots in the proposal regulations, then the pretender can select procurement lots for which he wishes to submit a proposal.
Open the Procurements section, and click on the chosen procurement’s hyperlink title.
In the section Basic data, click on the button Create proposal.~
In the popup window Create proposal and select procurement lots you can see procurement data, the proposal’s title, main responsible contact person, and procurement lots.
Click on the procurement lots, for which you wish to submit a proposal.
Next, there are two possible scenarios:
To continue work with the proposal’s project, click on the button Save and continue;
To close the proposal’s project and work with it at a more convenient time, click on the button Save. The saved project can be accessed again in the section Proposals.
A title containing the procurement’s number is assigned automatically upon saving the project.
Creating a proposal’s project
The Create proposal button is only accessible to a user who has at least one of the roles in the system: Supplier’s authorized signatory, Supplier’s proposal preparer or Supplier Manager.
Procurement lots
Proposal project