After checking the proposal, signing must be initiated. This action can only be performed by a person with the role Supplier’s authorized signatory in the e-tender subsystem.
To sign a proposal:
Open the checked proposal and go the section Submission.
In the expandable block Proposal submission for the selected pretender’s lot click on the button
In the popup window The choice of the applicant's share of the submission of a tender select the lots to be signed by clicking on them.
Click on the button
After this action, the status of the proposal and its lots is changed to Initiated signing.
If you are the supplier’s authorized signatory, you can continue working - click on the button
at the bottom of the form. If the specified proposal signatory is a different person, then the proposal can be signed only by them.
The proposal’s status is changed to Signed
and the status of its lots is also changed to Signed.
Signing a proposal
If the proposal summary file (.zip) has not been created, as indicated by the system notice, press the Sign proposal button again.
Signing a proposal