3.13.2. Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers
If the procurement data include ESPD exclusion conditions and selection requirements, indicate the specific features of the Pretender and its suppliers when preparing the proposal.
To do this:
Open the proposal’s project.
In the expandable block Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers of the section Pretender click on the Add
In the popup window Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers the values in the fields Supplier and Enterprise status are already filled with information from organization’s data. If the status has changed, you can edit the value of the Enterprise status field by selecting the current value from the list.
Click on the Save button
A warning window opens in which click on the button Continue
Now the entered information is displayed in the expandable block Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers. If necessary, you can edit
or delete
this information.
Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers
If the changes have been made in the organisation's data related to specific features, the data of the expandable block Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers must be updated - re-opened and re-read.
Specific features of the Pretender
Related suppliers