3.13.6. Data entry on related persons
In order to include data on other related suppliers in the proposal for procurement with ESPD requirements - association of persons or general partnership, subcontractors and the persons whose capacity the pretender relies upon, the main pretender must first create a proposal’s project in which all related suppliers must be specified. All related parties then complete the personal data using their organization's profile.
ESPD requirements data must be entered by each person involved.
Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers must be entered.
Initially, the related supplier finds (in the Proposals section or in the Proposals section of the respective procurement) and opens an already created proposal’s project of the main pretender.
Then fill in the data – open the section Pretender and in the expandable block Specific features of the Pretender and its related suppliers indicate Enterprise status, also, fill in the data of the ESPD requirements applicable to the related supplier in the section Lots.
Data entry on related persons
The main pretender cannot enter the data of related suppliers. This is done by the related supplier himself, using his organization's profile.
Related persons